The primary service opportunity for SOWERs is volunteer work. Members are also encouraged to support the Ministry through prayer and monetary gifts. Since there are no dues associated with being a SOWER member, the ministry relies on faith contributions. All monetary contributions are used to defray costs associated with office related labor, equipment and materials, utilities, office overhead and mailings. The cornerstones of our ministry are faith and prayer.
Member’s prayer requests are sent to all members via e-mail through the prayer chain. Members are encouraged to pray for each other, the ministries we serve, and for the well-being of the SOWER ministry. SOWERs are expected to pray for and financially support the SOWER ministry as the Lord leads.
Serving at our partner ministries is a primary focus of the SOWER ministry. Members are encouraged to work at least one project month per year. Most active SOWERs work 3-5 months per year and some work 10-12. Through prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, members decide which months and at which ministries they are called to work. Ministry requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
When joining SOWERs, each applicant must complete a Criminal Background Check and Release of Liability. Annually, to remain “Active”, and receive the SOWERGRAM, each SOWER must fill out and return the Annual Registration and Skill Sheet.
All members are expected to be familiar with and abide by the SOWER Constitution, Bylaws and Member Guidelines which are mailed to new members, conducting themselves as SERVANTS and as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 16:13: No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.