Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do we join? The membership process involves a written application (which includes your testimony), a letter of recommendation from your pastor, a background check, and a personal interview. To get started, use the "Contact Us" tab.

2. Does it cost anything to join? SOWER Ministry has no dues, and relies solely on contributions from members and prayer partners.

3. Is there an age requirement? No. Our youngest members are in their early 40’s and some of our workers are in their 80’s! Most of the active SOWERs are in their 60’s and 70’s.

4. How long do we stay and work at a ministry? Each working month is 3 weeks long. We work a 4 day week (generally Monday-Thursday) so we always have a long weekend to explore the area. There is always at least a week before the next project month begins to allow for sightseeing, rest and travel.

5. How long is each work day? – The men work 6 hours each day (in two hour segments) and the women work 3 hours with one break.

6. Do we have to work a certain number of months each year? Although there is no minimum requirement, we encourage everyone to work at least one project a year. A typical year of service would be 3-5 project months, and many work more.

7. How do we find out about where we can serve? The SOWER Member website has an online listing of all available ministries and what openings they have.

8. Are we assigned where we go? No. All SOWERs are LORD-directed. The project listing tells you what opportunities are available and you sign up as you feel led by the Holy Spirit.

9. How do we sign-up? Making a request through the SOWER Member website is all that is necessary. You will receive a confirmation within the next 24 business hours.

10. Do you need professional building skills to join? NO!! Although some of our members have retired from the building/construction trade, most are just willing workers with typical home handyman and life skills. Our members have come out of every profession and trade you can imagine – retired military, teachers, accountants, pastors, factory workers, sales, etc. The most important skill needed is a Servant's Heart.

11. Can we bring our pets? – If the host ministry allows pets, and most do, feel free to bring your fur-babies along! Limited to two outside non-aggressive pets and must remain on leash while outdoors.

12. Do the projects feed us? - Some ministry partners do, but most do not. We are here to serve not to be a burden. We do not expect meals from our ministry partners.